Is cnuasach gearrscéalta ghreannáin é Ruaille Buaille mar an Dandy/Beano Annual ach mar formáid leabhar Asterix. Tá 36 leathanaigh le scéalta le Bob Byrne (2000ad agus Robots Don’t Cry), Alan Nolan (Conor’s Caveman), Phil Barrett (Where’s Larry?), Alan Ryan (Beano), Sarah Bowie (A Clock or A Crown), Fintan Taite, Maeve Clancy, Mike Lynch, Steve Austin agus Stephen Downey sa leabhar seo. Tá Ruaille Buaille dírithe ar dhaoine óga idir 8 agus 14 bhliaina d’aois chun taitneamh is spraoi a bhaint as an Ghaeilge.
Ruaille Buaille is an Irish language anthology of comic book short stories like the Dandy/Beano Annual but in the format of an Asterix book. It is 36 pages of stories by Bob Byrne, Alan Nolan, Phil Barrett, Alan Ryan, Sarah Bowie, Fintan Taite, Maeve Clancy, Mike Lynch, Steve Austin and Stephen Downey. Ruaille Buaille is aimed at kids between 8 and 14 years of age to enjoy and have fun with Irish.
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