6 Íomha áille agus 6 thaifeadadh úrnua.
Brúigh an cnaipe agus éist!
6 beautiful images and 6 original recordings.
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Iniúchadh ar an damhsa Gaelach i ‘Mo Chuid Rincí Gaelacha’. Cuireann an leabhar brú-chnaipe tarraingteach seo isteach foirmeacha éagsúla rince Gaelach, lena n-áirítear ríleanna, portanna, agus damsha céilí, mar aon le taifeadtaí eisiacha a rinneadh go speisialta don eagrán seo.
Is féidir le léitheoirí óga taitneamh a bhaint as eispéireas aoibhinn closamhairc!
An engaging exploration of Irish dancing in ‘Mo Chuid Rincí Gaelacha’. This captivating push-button book introduces various Irish dance forms, including reels, jigs, and slides, accompanied by exclusive recordings made especially for this edition. Young readers can enjoy a delightful audiovisual experience.
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