Rugadh Mícheál Mac Dáibhéid, mac le feirmeoirí bochta, le linn an Ghorta Mhóir. Tar éis dá dtiarna talún iad a dhíshealbhú, d’imigh siad go Sasana chun teacht slán ón anró. Ní raibh Mícheál ach naoi mbliana d’aois nuair a bhí air dul ag obair i monarcha, áit inar tharla timpiste uafásach dó. Ar an dea-uair, chuala fear saibhir an drochscéal faoi thimpiste Mhíchíl agus d’íoc sé as a chuid scolaíochta.
Nuair a d’fhás Mícheál suas, bhí sé ina bhall de Bhráithreachas Phoblacht na hÉireann, eagras a bunaíodh Rialta Dúchais a bhaint amach in Éirinn. Ach ba é an chloch ba mhó ar phaidrín Mhíchíl ná fulaingt fheirmeoií na hÉireann a bhí faoi bhois an chait ag tiarnaí talún cruálacha. Bhunaigh sé ‘Conradh na Talún’ ina thír dhúchais, Éire, agus trí agóid shíochánta a dhéanamh d’athraigh sé saol mhuintir na hÉireann go deo.
Michael Davitt was born the son of poor farmers during the Great Famine. When his family were thrown out of their home by their landlord, to survive they had to travel to England to live, where young Michael suffered a terrible accident while working in a factory. Knowing that millions of other poor people were suffering like his family had, he battled to get an education that could help him fight for the rights of others.
When Michael grew up, he joined the Fenians who wanted Home Rule for Ireland which led him to being jailed for treason. But closest to Michael’s heart was the suffering of the peasant farmers in Ireland who were at the mercy of their bad landlords. When he was released from prison he came home to Ireland and started ‘The Land League’ movement. Through peaceful protest, The Land League would change the lives of the Irish people forever and lead Michael to becoming a famous politician and a hero of Ireland.
Tá ábhar plé ranga, gluais agus amlíne san aireamh.
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