An Tríú Leabhair sa sraith:
Faoin lead óg, Greg Heffley, atá ag dul i ngleic ar saol nua na meánscoile.
Féach: beidh Greg Heffley ina dhúradán go deo.
Ach cén uair a thuigfidh a Dhaid an méid sin? Ceapann Frank Heffley gur féidir leis Greg a dhéanamh ‘fearúil.’
Agus le déanamh cinnte go n-éireoidh leis, Cuireann Daid iallach ar Greg páirt a ghlacadh i gclub sacair agus cúrsaí ‘fearúla’ eile.
Ach nuair a thosaíonn Daid ag caint ar ‘Scoil Mhíleata’, tuigeann Greg go bhfuil sé in am aige caoi a chur air féin....
This is the third title from the Wimpy Kid series in Irish.
Let's face it: Greg Heffley will never change his wimpy ways. Somebody just needs to explain that to Greg's father. You see, Frank Heffley actually thinks he can get his son to toughen up, and he enlists Greg in organized sports and other "manly" endeavours. Of course, Greg is able to easily sidestep his father's efforts to change him. But when Greg's dad threatens to send him to military academy, Greg realizes he has to shape up . . . or get shipped out.
Leagan Gaeilge de ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid – The Last Straw’.
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