Sale price€25


Is cluiche é ‘Nasc’ a chabhraíonn le foghlaimeoirí agus an duine le Gaeilge a stór focal a mhéadú.

Dhá chluiche le dhá sprioc éagsúla.

Sa chéad chluiche, lean treoir na ndíslí agus déan iarracht dhá chárta a mheaitseáil, le roghanna idir ainmfhocal, aidiacht, nath, ordu, briathar nó gairm bheatha.

Sa dara cluiche, déan iarracht péirí cártaí i do lámh fein a mheaitseáil de réir threoir na ndíslí.

Designed for learners and people with Irish to add to and improve their vocabulary.

Two games with two different objectives.

In the first game follow the directions of the dice and try to match two cards from the choices of nouns, adjectives, turns of phrase, orders, verbs and professions.

In the second game try to make pairs from the cards in your hand, as directed by the dice.

Aois 8 +

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