Criss Cross Mo Chara - Gearóid Mac Lochlainn

Sale price€15


Tá bealach faoi leith, le saothar Mhic Lochlainn. Athraíonn a chuid frithlaochra buailte a riocht agus a gcultúr agus iad ag dul ó áit go háit trí thrí bhriste, mhacarónach. Tugann siad cúl do thraidisiúin sheanbhunaithe filíóchta, aistriúcháin agus seanchais na nGael, ag gluaiseacht ó fhilíocht na mbard go Spaghetti Westerns, ó na Mississippi blues go hamhráin ar an sean-nós, agus ar ais arís, turas a osclaíonn amach agus a chuimsíonn an próiseas cruthaitheach féin. Déantar smidiríní de choinbhinsiúin sa saothar seo áit a léiríonn Criss-Cross idirtheanga gan smacht gan ord inar thig le rud ar bith tarlú.

Mac Lochlainn works in a unique way. His beat-up antiheroes are shapeshifters that hover between cultures and wander through broken 'macaronic' landscapes. His characters flip a finger at traditions of Irish poetry, translation and storytelling. They leap back and forth, from Bardic to Spaghetti Westerns, from Mississippi blues to sean-nós, weaving a journey that explores the creative process itself. Conventions fall apart as Criss-Cross presents an anarchic, split-screen 'interlanguage' where anything can happen.

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