Ar Thóir an Toirc Bháin - Éamonn Ó Ruanaí

Sale price€8


Séideán Sí – Rang a Ceathair

As dorchadas na coille a tháing sé, gan torann gan deifir gan eagla. Ní raibh a fhios ag Cormac  cé acu neach saolta nó neamhshaolta a bhí ag siúl i gceo na maidine. Ansin chonaic sé na starrfhiacla géara agus chuala sé an ghnúsacht ghrabh...


He came from the darkness of the forest without any noise, haste or fear. Cormac didn't know what was walking in the morning mist until he seen the fangs and heard the grunting grin...

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