Treoir do Thuras Cholm Cille / Guide to Turas Cholm Cille – Shane Mac an tSaoir

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Déanann an treoirleabhar seo ceiliúradh ar chomóradh 1,500 bliain ó rugadh Naomh Colm Cille. Tá an t-ádh dearg ar mhuintir Ghleann Cholm Cille as a bheith ina gcónaí in áit chomh saibhir i dtaobh na seandálaíochta de, le 5,000 bliain d’ealaín ón Chlochaois lonnaithe laistigh den phobal bheag seo.

An aidhm atá leis an treoirleabhar seo ná a chinntiú go bhfuil teacht ag an phobal ar na hacmahainní cuí le páirt a ghlacadh, agus le haird a tharraingt ar an oilithreacht ársa seo, a dtugtar An Turas air go háitiúil. Is sampla luachmhar é Turas Cholm Cille den nasc idir na grúpaí cultúrtha uilig a chur futhú sa Ghleann seo. Is é mo thuairim láidir gur gá suíomh oidhreachta mar seo, atá báite i stair agus cultúr na mílte bliain, a chaomhnú agus a chosaint. Tá súil agam, leis an treoirleabhar seo, go mairfidh oidhreacht an bhealaigh oilithrigh seo do na glúnta atá le teacht.

Tá súil agam go mbainfidh tú sult as an ábhar léitheoireachta agus as an turas.

  • Shane Mac an tSaoir

This guide book celebrates the 1,500- year anniversary of the birth of Saint Colm Cille. The people of Gleann Cholm Cille are extremely fortunate to live in such a rich archaeological heaven, with 5,000 years of stone age art located within this small community.

The aim of this guide is to ensure the public have the resources needed to easily participate in, and raise awareness of this ancient pilgrimage, known locally as ‘The Turas’. Turas Cholm Cille is a rich example of how the of how various cultural groups who once settled in Gleann Cholm Cille are cinnected through art and worship. It is my strong belief that a heritage site such as this, which is steeped in thousands of years’ worth of history and culture, deserves to be preserved and treasured. With this guide book, I hope that the knowledge and legacy of this pilgrim route can live on for future generations to treasure.

I hope you enjoy both your read and your journey.

  • Shane McIntyre

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