Glac Sos, sraith de leabhar simplí
Sraith leabhar do létheoirí óga. Bealach fíorspreaguil í an tsraith seo leis an nGaeilge a shaothrú sa seomra rang. Áis iontach í freisin do thuismitheoirí ar mhaith leo léamh na Gaeilge a chuir chun cinn sa bhaile.
A series of 14 Books. Ideal for the classroom or at home.
Sailí na Spotaí Le Anne Marie Herron
Is breá le Sailí spotaí. Spotaí ar a cuid éadaigh, spotaí ar a guid bréagán, spotaí ar gach rud! Ní éireoidh Sailí tuirseach de na spotaí go deo – nó an éireoidh?
Sally loves spots. Spots on her clothes, spots on her toys, spots on everything. Sally would never be bored with spots, or would she?
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