Is Mise do Chara - Esther Göbl Uí Nualláin

Sale price€8


Is buille mór do Oisín é nuair a bhaintear gortú dá chois sa chluiche leathcheannais sa pheil. An mbeidh ar Laochra Longfoirt cur chun na páirce gan é sa chluiche ceannais? Tá an gortú fisiciúil dona go leor, ach is measa fós é an beag is fiú a dhéanann deirfiúr Oisín – Ciara – den bhuachaill óg agus den ghortú atá air. Bíonn ar Oisín dul go domhain ann féin féachaint an bhfuil an misneach aige is gá chun teacht slán ar an dá bhuille seo a bhuailtear air.

Tá an misneach, an faitíos, an fhéinmhuinín agus an tuiscint fite fuaite ar a chéile síos tríd sa saothar íogair seo.

Oisín is devastated when he seriously injures his leg in the semi-final of the football championship. Will the Longford Warriors have to line out without him in the final? His physical injury is bad enough, but worse again is the fact that his sister, Ciara, is making little of that injury. Oisín has to dig deep within himself to find the courage necessary to overcome these setbacks. This sensitive story is interwoven with the defining qualities of courage, fear, self-confidence and understanding.

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